Yesterday, I was doing my daily routine, surfing net from clickers hotspot. Saw this young ugly fat guy lurking around me. Biasaklah, some people curious to see what other people surfing on. Happened all the time especially when you are netting from public places.
Innocently he approach me and start asking about Streamyx. Then he started to get steam. He said "Abang jangan marah ye nak tanya personal question". I said "ok" - i thought shit is he going to ask for money....
Then he said "Saya suara macam lelaki, tapi sebenarnya saya perempuan". Yeah rite... how do you explain our hairy hand and chin? Anyway, I got confused and response nothing. "So ... ok...." I said.
"Abang... saya nak hisap batang abg boleh?"
shit.. OMG !!! must keep cool... o told myself.
I told him NO, "Aku dah kahwin".
He replied "Bini abang tak tau punya".
Me "Tak minat la, aku dah ada bini"
Asshole "Kejab jer bang"
Finally "Saya orang alim"
Then he walk away..... gheeeeeeesssssshhhhhh!