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Prince Of Darkness

See No Evil * Hear No Evil * Talk No Evil

My Photo
Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

I am a 32 years old Malaysian, a mindless activist, a lover, and a father, who found macho relish in danger and felt driven to prove manhood by confrontation.

Monday, July 11, 2005

FUAD AF3 punya Abang Kembar??

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Paresh Rawal ...... bollywood actor / comedian, film Aankhen bersama Sushmita Sen and Amitabh Belacan cerita 3 tikus buta rompak bank...... alaaa.... 3 juta kali tayang kat TV3/Astro.

FUAD Af3, antara big AFLoser from Akademi Fantasia 3, selain dari Reza.

Adakah ini satu suratan, atau hanyalah satu kebetulan.

Melacur dimaafkan jika DARURAT

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I hardly listen to any of her talk but family in law aku balik balik asyik sebut nama dia jer. Balik kampung pun semua citer Dr Mashitah. Kira-kira menantu idaman mak bapak ler ni.

Her advice in Harian Metro dated 19 June 2005 CLICK HERE was OUTRAGEOUS.

Pihak pembangkang tengah melompat macam kera kena belacan le sekarang ni, di hyperlink pulak dengan issue Kondom dengan jarum cocok percuma ..... panassssss.....

Darurat sangat kah di Malaysia ni?

(To reduce picture size, aku copy the text here..........)

Jual diri kerana terdesak

SAYA sering membaca kisah wanita (terutama ibu tunggal) yang terpaksa menjual diri untuk membesarkan anak. Punca pendapatan ini secara terang adalah haram.

Persoalannya, adakah kehidupan dan pendidikan anak yang membesar dengan wang begini akan mendapat keberkatan Allah? Adakah anak yang mengetahui pekerjaan ibunya tetapi masih menggunakan wang itu akan turut berdosa? Dan bagaimana pula hukumnya jika wang itu digunakan untuk membayar zakat fitrah?

Kuala Lumpur


HUKUM di dalam Islam berbeza mengikut keadaan seseorang.

Mengikut istilah yang dipakai di sini, iaitu ‘terpaksa’, membayangkan wanita berkenaan terdesak melakukan perbuatan dilarang dan bukan dengan kehendak hatinya.

Dia terdesak berbuat demikian demi menyelamatkan anak dan memberi makan.

Perkara dilakukan dalam suasana darurat terlepas daripada hukuman biasa.

Dalam keadaan biasa, memang melacur itu haram, tetapi jika terdesak dan darurat ia dimaafkan.

Di sinilah timbulnya tanggungjawab masyarakat untuk membantu.

Orang terdesak dan darurat tidak mungkin mampu membayar zakat fitrah, bahkan dia tergolong layak terima fitrah.

Jika sampai ada lebihan, bererti dia sudah tidak darurat.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Man Hunt Model 2005 ..... 18sx

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Friday, July 08, 2005

MOM : "Wake up, son. It's time to go to school."

MOM : "Wake up, son. It's time to go to school."

SON : "But why, Mama? I don't want to go to school."

MOM : "Give me two reasons why you don't want to go to school."

SON : "One, all the children hate me. Two, all the teachers hate me."

MOM : "Oh! that's not a reason. Come on, you have to go to school."

SON : "Give me two good reasons WHY I *should* go to school?"

MOM : "One, you are fifty two years old and should understand your responsibilities. Two, you are the Principal of the school."

---joke forwarded by friend

Very Sad but Beautiful Story

A certain rich businessman had a beautiful daughter, who fell in love with a guy who was a cleaner. When the girl's father came to know about their love, he did not like it at all, and so began to protest about it. Now it happened that the two lovers decided to leave their homes for a happy future. The girl's father started searching everywhere for the them but in vain.

At last, he accepted their love and asked them to come back home in a local newspaper. Her father said "If you both come back I will allow you to marry the guy you love, I accept that you loved each other truly". So in this way, their love won and they returned homes.
The couple went to town to shop for a wedding dress for the bride. The guy was wearing a white shirt that day.

Then as he was crossing the road to the other side to get some drinks for his fiancee, a car hit him and he died on the spot.

The girl lost her senses. It was only after some time that she recovered from her shock. The funeral and cementation was held on the very next day because he had died horribly.

Two nights later, the girl's mother had a dream in which she saw an old lady. The old lady told her mother to wash the blood stains of the guy from her daughter's dress as soon as possible. But her mother ignored the dream.

The next night her father had the same dream, he, too, ignored it. Then when the girl had the dream the following night, she woke up in fear and told her mother about the dream. Her mother adviced her to wash the clothes which have blood stains immediately. She did as she was told,but to no avail. The next night she again had the same dream. She washed again... but some still remained. And on the 3rd night, she had the exact same dream and this time the old lady gave her a last warning to wash the blood stain away, or else something terrible will happen.

This time the girl tried her best to wash the stains. She used all her might to scrub...and the dress nearly tore, but patches of stubborn stains still remained! By late evening the same day, tired and all alone at home, the girl heard a knock on the door. When she opened the door, she
saw the same old lady in her dream standing at her door. She got very scared and fainted.

The old lady woke her up and gave her a blue object. Still in shock, the girl asked, "What is this..? " The old lady replied...

"Try Dynamo Liquid Soap... just a dab and it will remove all stubborn

Sorry guy ...... some idiot send this to my email, and I'm definitely not going down alone.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Generasi Wawasan 2020

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Errrr..... I'm speechless........ :) wawasan 2020 ..... cerah masa depan.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Ares - P2P Client

Let's talk about P2P Client. Ape tu P2P? P2P is short for Peer to Peer. Easy talk cincai cincai program people use to download mp3, movie, program files, games, pornotology, and etc. etc. etc.

Bit of history lesson, long long time ago, when 33.6 kbs modem terhangat di pasaran, bila 56 kbs menjadi status kemegahan, audio files come in .ra format (realaudio). Quality wise, piece of ketam kalau nak compare to Mp3. Midi audio was the famous one. Widely available on internet, downloable directly from website. Movie files, toksah mimpi.

Even kalau divx codec already exist, aku ingat 2 divx encode movie dah boleh fill up one harddisk. Remember during that era, my Pentium 100 mhz pun baru 1 gb.

So later Mp3 was created and internet full of website where you can download any song for free until they all dissappear bila these music industry people start making noises.

At one point, it was so hard to find a decent mp3 and movie files. Bikin susah orang saja.

But now, programmers became more and more creative, thanks to broadband and wifeless wireless technology, you can savely download your favourite audio from the confort of your toilet seat.... gerenti IRAA tak berani serbu.

Now you have many options to download files...... P2P, IRC, Torrent........

ARES http://www.aresgalaxy.org

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Ares is currently my choice of P2P clients. Search engine fast, file
integrity pun reliable, tak macam Kazaa, full of corrupted files.
Highest total download speed 60 kb/sec. Could be as low as 2 or 5
kb/sec. Tengok nasib gak la. Best of you consistantly online. Kalau
asyik disconnect, the queue system can be very frustrating. Limited to
15 simultaneous download. Senang to connect to network.

WAREZP2P http://www.warez.com

Actually Warezp2p is my favourite no 1 P2P client. Warezp2p evolved
from ARES. Kira pirate dari Ares. Warez is much faster than Ares. Took
me 4 days to download Kungfu Hustle but Ares took me weeks to download
a movie files. Apparently Warez queue syatem is better than Ares, or
maybe more files available in Warez. Sad thing is Warez failed to
connect to network from my work pc. However it work fine with my


The above are among many other P2P clients. Kazaa use to be my top
choice but now it would be best avoiding it. The rest i've tried but
not good enough for me.


Torrent is another good option for downloading stuff. I've not tried to
download any movie thru here but I successfully downloaded some
programs via torrent.

Azureus is a good torrent client

MIRC ...... so classic mesti semua dah tau punya.


Monday, July 04, 2005


This is a test post from Photobucket.com

The Prince ... has return....

Ta daaa !! Prince kepala hangguk-hangguk-geleng-geleng...

Anyway, dah 3 bulan aku off blogging. Actually aku off work .... tanam anggur di pinggiran rumah. Dah mula kerja since May. Pass two months aku nak settle down kat new office. So kurengkan activiti interneting ni.

Banyak gak bende happening yang aku miss nak blog. Dengan kes curi baiye...er.. bayi, kes hantam kromok budah sekolah sampai arwah, kes rampage langgar 13 budak sekolah, kes Anak Toyol curi tanak rezab, kes takde air, issue Akademi Fantasia 3, kes bapak menteri tak puas hati atas kemachoan Aznil, demam Mawi....... dah sebagai nya.

Tu semua ataih tu external issue, domestic issue aku pun banyak jugak. Kisah hantu main letrik, kisah barang letrik meletup, kereta meragam, anak gila meroyan ... dan macam macam.

Simpan Dalam Sentuh - keep in touch